Boppin' Along

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Boppin' Along

Forum for earth sensitives, world events, disasters, dreams, prophecies, visions, predictions.. everything and anything welcome here!

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    2013-10 Ceiling


    Posts : 542
    Join date : 2010-02-20
    Location : Boston area

    2013-10 Ceiling Empty 2013-10 Ceiling

    Post  beejean Sun 06 Oct 2013, 1:53 pm

    2013-10 Ceiling  

    Weather events during the past few weeks have greatly trumped the quaking in terms of the damage to the United States, although around the world we see that Pakistan has already been subjected to major damaging quakes early this October.

    Earth Groans topic today- October Ceiling - because the Energetic POES proton counts seem to keep reaching a high ceiling so far this month, and it's something I haven't seen so much in the past 6 months before now. Also , Today the NOAA data-collection station called HARTLAND is showing proton and energetic particle activity much above the normal and it is only in that one set area. Is there something being tested near HARTLAND... hmmm

    Large whining ear tones I'm experiencing this morning appear to coincide with a solar wind density spike being reported on NOAA spaceweather page.  
    First week of October: there's been a large trail of energetic storms coming thru the PNW and Northern California. This is a tough slog because the Colorado area has been pummeled and remains injured in regards to lives and property after the once in 100 years rainstorm - a September disaster.  

    The tornadoes in the USA Central area have caused havoc as of last night.
    The Florida area is facing a tropical storm.

    Corporate innovation and activity apparently continues to plunge forward into the surveilllance area: I experienced what I guess to be a local test of an "invisible" hummingbird remote controlled drone last week.  It was a bit spooky because the sound waves of the thing going overhead were only an effect that lasted about 6 seconds.  It appeared that some kind of field was disrupting the sound waves of the aerial propulsion and directing them in a small inverted cone downwards.  (Prior to the drone sound, there was a black helicopter passing 4 minutes before with a red light being beamed through an emitter opening in the middle of a large black box on the nose area.) Sorry to bring up the man-made during this earth review.

    I think it's the month to try and drift back into sensing how the weather and the cloud ceilings talk to us. Fog has been a continual feature around here this past week and we even had a 79 degree day bookshelved in between two foggy days on either end. Fog always talks to me of little cats feet since I read the famous verse years and years ago. Right now it's being surprised by what's waiting to show itself.

    Into the mist we go. Hope you are able to stay safe and that you haven't gone through any damage resulting from the wild weather in the Central area of the country on 2013-10-5.

    Posts : 135
    Join date : 2010-02-17

    2013-10 Ceiling Empty Re: 2013-10 Ceiling

    Post  DearWife Mon 07 Oct 2013, 5:03 am

    beejean wrote:
    Corporate innovation and activity apparently continues to plunge forward into the surveilllance area: I experienced what I guess to be a local test of an "invisible" hummingbird remote controlled drone last week.  It was a bit spooky because the sound waves of the thing going overhead were only an effect that lasted about 6 seconds.  It appeared that some kind of field was disrupting the sound waves of the aerial propulsion and directing them in a small inverted cone downwards.  (Prior to the drone sound, there was a black helicopter passing 4 minutes before with a red light being beamed through an emitter opening in the middle of a large black box on the nose area.) Sorry to bring up the man-made during this earth review.
    Hi beejean. About 4 or 5 years ago, I was looking out my bedroom window, and saw a helicopter over head not very far from our house. I looked up to the right, and saw this metallic sphere hovering in the air. I took a picture of the thing but the screen blocked the view of it. The helicopter was from the newstation from what I could tell, so I wondered maybe if the sphere was a weather balloon, but the thing was just stationary, then moved away. But it was odd to see the two together like that. It was interesting because I had a dream several years back, of this metallic sphere, where I was in the perspective of it's comings and going. It flew over some places in the dream, I seemed to be in San Francisco. It looked kind of like those spheres from Hellraiser but maybe a little larger.

    Just yesterday I was watching some videos about bug bot nano drones:

    A Japanese inventor made sphere drone, but the one I saw was solid:


    Posts : 542
    Join date : 2010-02-20
    Location : Boston area

    2013-10 Ceiling Empty Re: 2013-10 Ceiling

    Post  beejean Wed 09 Oct 2013, 12:25 am

    DearWife wrote:...About 4 or 5 years ago, I was looking out my bedroom window, and saw a helicopter over head not very far from our house.  I looked up to the right, and saw this metallic sphere hovering in the air.  I took a picture of the thing but the screen blocked the view of it.  ...wondered maybe if the sphere was a weather balloon, but the thing was just stationary, then moved away.  But it was odd to see the two together like that.  It was interesting because I had a dream several years back, of this metallic sphere, where I was in the perspective of it's comings and going.  It flew over some places in the dream, I seemed to be in San Francisco.  It looked kind of like those spheres from Hellraiser but maybe a little larger.  

    Just yesterday I was watching some videos about bug bot nano drones:
    hi DearWife,

    I've been definitely sidetracked quite a bit lately - what with corresponding with the Senate members before the recent Senate activities preceding the government shutdown, and then, of course, my absolute certainty that I would never hear back from them regarding the policy problems prior to the stupid shutdown.  Anyhow, the whole premise of the enrollment in the new Exchanges is being de-railed by the Acorn "navigators" and the high identity fraud risk, plus the absolute probability that by now the hackers have probably invaded the website, since it keeps getting turned off by the administration.

    ---Anyway, forgive the digression.  The drone issue does appear more and more creepy what with the bug drones, and the hummingbird invisible drones.  The lens capabilities of these drones is privacy wrecking, for example, especially  if the drone operators decide to task themselves with checking certain areas and photographing everyone that goes there.  Surveillance photo capability is very widespread and worse than a nosy neighbor.

    On the earth changes note, it was about 1:20 pm today that I had an extreme swaying woozie situation in the cafe.
    And also right about now.   But GOES is showing a huge magnetic field disruption.

    Keep looking up - maybe we'll soon be seeing something more in line with our needs to receive help with our present difficulties when we are praying for our city, nation and country.

    Posts : 542
    Join date : 2010-02-20
    Location : Boston area

    2013-10 Ceiling Empty Re: 2013-10 Ceiling

    Post  beejean Sat 12 Oct 2013, 2:47 pm

    Well it's a Saturday here in New England with grey clouds blowing over from the northern ocean waters. The foliage is great looking, but the celebration of harvest atmosphere is more than a bit subdued around Boston area.

    Biggest symptom right now? Urge to store fat for the winter. Maybe reading of the 80,000 cattle killed in the Dakotas did the subconscious eating thing. But since I already had the "hair shedding" phase go into effect as the seasons turned in late September, then I'm guessing it mostly is a body getting ready for a strong winter season.

    Hope your fall season is going well, everyone.

    I hear that Bavaria had an unusual snow fall for this early in the season already.


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    2013-10 Ceiling Empty Re: 2013-10 Ceiling

    Post  SonicSal Sat 12 Oct 2013, 6:01 pm

    A classic SHTF window is shaping up next week...especially with the lunar eclipse on the 18th. Heads up folks.

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    2013-10 Ceiling Empty Re: 2013-10 Ceiling

    Post  beejean Sat 19 Oct 2013, 8:10 pm

    Getting Huge Squealing Noises here in East Coast New England Area.

    I have see that a Mexico Quake over 6.5 Magnitude came in just a little while ago.  I see a lot of disturbance at the Three Sisters area in today's seismograms, probably caused by that quake. My local seismogram is reporting a huge shaking also here near Boston Area.

    This is accompanied by crystalline ear tones unrelenting


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    2013-10 Ceiling Empty Re: 2013-10 Ceiling

    Post  beejean Sun 20 Oct 2013, 3:32 pm

    Ear tones are reduced today, Sunday Oct 20.

    Found out that about 7 am local time, an Earthquake happened at a latitude about 3 degrees above my current location.  EQ was reported :
    Sunday October 20, 2013
    Local Time: 06:40:35 EDT Canada province of Ottawa
    Magnitude: 3.3 MN
    Latitude: 45.69 North
    Longitude: 77.55 West

    local geologic formation at quake site:  Moraine with a mix of clay and saxicava sand interlaid near the edge of the border between Ottawa and Quebec, part of the area near the Ottawa river.
    From Wikipedia regarding geology of area Near Pembroke Ontario on border of Quebec.  I often get eartones before a Quebec quake.
    According to wikipedia, the area was inhabited mainly by the Algonquins after the last ice age
    As the glacial ice sheet began to retreat at the end of the last ice age, the Ottawa River valley, which, along with the St. Lawrence River valley and Lake Champlain, had been depressed to below sea level by the glacier's weight, filled with sea water.[20] The resulting arm of the ocean is known as the Champlain Sea. Fossil remains of marine life dating 12-10 thousand years ago have been found in marine clay throughout the region. Sand deposits from this era have produced vast plains, ... Clay deposits from this period have resulted in areas of poor drainage, large swamps, and peat bogs in some ancient channels of this river. Hence, the distribution of forests and wetlands is very much a product of these past glacial events.[6]

    Large deposits of a material commonly known as Leda clay also formed. These deposits become highly unstable after heavy rains. Numerous landslides have occurred as a result. The former site of the town of Lemieux, Ontario collapsed into the South Nation River in 1993. The town's residents had previously been relocated because of the suspected instability of the earth in that location.

    As the land gradually rose again the sea coast retreated and the fresh water courses of today took shape. --------

    So the above Eq was in an area that shares this kind of sand that has a large risk of liquefaction during periods of recurrent shaking - like parts of the area traversed by the Mississippi river.

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    Location : Boston area

    2013-10 Ceiling Empty Re: 2013-10 Ceiling

    Post  beejean Sat 26 Oct 2013, 11:47 pm

    Christmas Card santa offers are piling in now, although we haven't reached Halloween yet.

    I have to admit that I haven't been noticing symptoms here on the East Coast, as distracted as I am by the World Series right now.  I feel especially sad for the embattled staff at Fukushima and for the rattling that area has had to endure while I had my eyes glued to pitching efforts by the Sox.  Trying to distract myself I guess.

    That said, now the events in the Solar "ceiling" are getting Hot, what with R2 level radio blackouts and an X flare on the way.  I have been noting that my nerves are very fried since Friday, and that the same must be happening to people in Europe because they have just about "had it" and want to "rid themselves of it" - surveillance that is.  Iran has made good on its nuclear ambition and the window for dealing with it is closing.  So who could predict that the ceiling is being broken open by heavy x-ray bursts splitting particles in the ionsphere right at this jumpy time of year.  Lets hope that the ceiling doesn't get taken down by any man-made bursts over the next few days.  It just reminds us how close the concerned scientists' countdown to midnite is for us humans.

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    Location : Boston area

    2013-10 Ceiling Empty Re: 2013-10 Ceiling

    Post  beejean Sun 27 Oct 2013, 2:03 pm

    Now back to the eartones - crystalline - quartz rubbing.  Did the whales find someway to magnify their singing and speed it up?  No, I think it must be some marines dipping AWS sonar.  This stuff is too constant and annoying to be natural I think.  Let's figure on this...

    ?? - Maybe could be EQ precursor coming from Quebec ,  notoriously loud for me.
    ??? - could be an exercise coming too far up the Merrimack river tracking sonar from a heli:

    P.S. - here's somethin about heli sonar.  Don't go to link at Global Sec website they are left wing and notoriously part of tracking cookies.

    Global sec website overview wrote:Dipping sonar allows the helicopter to listen for and transmit underwater electronic signals while in a "hover" or stationary mode. The aircraft typically hovers at an altitude of 50 to 300 feet above sea level and lowers the transducer into the water using a powered reel system similar to a fishing reel. The transducer can be lowered to depths ranging from the water's surface to 2,500 ft. Once lowered to the selected depth, the transducer is activated, generating sound signals and receiving echoes from submerged objects. These echoes can then be processed to identify and locate potential underwater threats.

    ...By the late 1990s the F version of the SH-60 was replacing the obsolete carrier-based SH-3H as naval battle groups' inner-zone ASW helicopter system. The SH-60F employed a new, longer-range active dipping sonar to localize and track submarines, particularly in littoral areas. Future plans call for the conversion and reconfiguration of both the SH-60 B and F classes into a common SH-60R model. The SH-60R program includes a service life extension as well as avionics upgrades, such as the addition of an advanced low-frequency sonar and multimode radar. The aircraft also will be outfitted with gun and missile systems, to enhance performance in littoral regions.
    Or there' this: Navy' Largest Destroyer going into water near Bath Maine (not too far away)

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